by Amy Englemark | Sep 15, 2015 | Building Confidence and Self Esteem, Have Fun, High Expectations, Life Balance, Re-Energize, Self Image, Stress, Thought Life, Uncategorized
Recently I received a thank you note from a past client. She told me about how working with me had helped her make big changes happen fast. That happens naturally when you’re accountable to someone else! The tools I used to help her make changes fast were:...
by Amy Englemark | Sep 6, 2015 | Building Confidence and Self Esteem, Consistency, Family, Life Balance, Overcome Fear, Re-Energize, Self Image, Thought Life, Time Management, Uncategorized
We are talented at making excuses so we don’t feel pressured to pursue our dreams or goals. We are well versed at reciting the many reasons why our dream life is unattainable. “I’ve waited too long” “I’m too busy, tired, old or...
by Amy Englemark | Aug 26, 2015 | Building Confidence and Self Esteem, Overcome Fear, Self Image, Uncategorized
How do you heal damaged self esteem? I have a few strategies that are simple and powerful. Define Yourself -What happened can’t be changed but your perception of it can. You are in control of the headlines of your life. What headline will you create for your...
by Amy Englemark | Aug 21, 2015 | Uncategorized
You’re super motivated, intelligent and driven. Like many other women, you probably have a hard time eating healthy when you’re in a hurry. You may have unrealistic expectations of yourself. Are you trying to be sexy, have a career and be a perfect...
by Amy Englemark | Aug 18, 2015 | Family, Have Fun, Life Balance, Overcome Guilt, Thankfulness, Thought Life, Uncategorized
Can a woman truly regret having children? Yes, she can. For others, regret can come and go like waves. Regret: disappointment, a missed opportunity When you have children, you can feel like you’re missing out. Parenting can feel like a ball and chain. You...
by Amy Englemark | Aug 14, 2015 | Building Confidence and Self Esteem, Overcome Guilt, Self Image, Stress, Thought Life, Uncategorized
The fear of rejection, just like any other fear, is based on the unknown. You don’t know if you will be rejected but the possibility limits you. Making your decisions so others will like you is exhausting and ultimately keeps you from feeling fulfilled. Being...