Not all feedback results in growth.  

So how do you ensure that the way YOU give feedback will be taken well and help others grow?  I’ve certainly given my fair share of feedback that WASN’T well thought out.  You can just imagine how well that went!

Let me help you simplify the process so your family or colleagues/team doesn’t get hurt feelings or take offense.  Take it from me, it’s worth taking the time to learn more effective strategies that will not only help others grow but also help you grow through the process.

Want to learn more about giving feedback effectively?  If you want to boost your confidence in this area, I can help.  I’m gifting you a free training this Friday August 7th at 9am (for approximately 30-40 minutes).  Send me an email and I’ll get you registered and pass on the link to join the call on Zoom.

With Love,


PS:  I’m accepting two new clients this September.  If you want someone on your side who will help you feel calm in the middle of any storm, that’s me.  Want help to cut right through a problem to the heart of the solution, I’m your gal.  I have a special knack of helping people change their habits and make them stick.  I also help people own their unique power and strengths and get comfortable in that space.  I work with leaders who are spiritually inclined, value efficiency, have a big vision, are humble and have a great sense of humor.  Is that you?  Apply by sending me an email.  That’s the first step.