Live Without The Fear Of Pain

“You mean I can live without the fear of pain?” you say.  I’ve lived with the fear of pain in many areas of my life.  That is until I started realizing that pain didn’t need to be feared.  The pain of change, the pain of growth, the pain of rejection, the pain of success or failure.  Once I changed my perspective on pain, I gained control over my fear.

Who wants to live her life with fear ruling her mind and every decision.  Not me.  I reached a point where I was so tired (literally it was zapping me of energy) of giving fear my power that I decided to change.

You don’t need need to be afraid of pain.  You can actually become close friends with pain.  When you do, you’ll find (as I have) that pain will give you many gifts.  Pain can transform your life in so many good ways if you are open to it.

Typically you and I would rather avoid pain, because she’s so uncomfortable.  But SERIOUSLY!!  How long will you lie to yourself?  The truth is that it’s more uncomfortable to avoid pain than it is to let yourself feel it and grow from it.

Here are your options:

Hang out with Regret, Sadness, Heartbreak (whoever your chosen set of “friends” are).  Rumenate over negative events where you screwed up in the past.  Stay stuck in emotions that strip you of Joy, Peace and personal growth.


Get to know pain on a deeper level.  She’s not as scary as she seems xo  When I open my heart to deal with the  pain inside it hurts.  Oh it hurts a lot sometimes, but guess what!?  It never fails.  She (pain) invites me over for dinner with her family.  These are her siblings:  Healing, Happiness, Personal Growth, and I’m sure she has awesome cousins too!



Here are the 3 Steps I’ve used to become friends with pain:

  1.  Spend time with pain.  All relationships require us to spend time with another to really get to know who someone is.  Remember, pain is here to help you.  It can be used and won’t go to waste.  You will grow from developing this relationship.  Choose not to stay stuck by avoiding pain.  You can decide today.
  2. Take your earplugs out.  You can’t hear what pain wants to share with you if you have your fingers or earplugs in your ears all the time.  Why do you assume that pain wants to harm you?  When you are open to learning and growing and benefitting from everything that happens in life, you will make positive leaps and bounds!
  3. Ask questions.  I believe in God.  If you do as well, or believe in a Higher Power, it makes sense to ask questions.  We need answers 🙂  Here are a few suggestions.  “How can I be a part of the solution right now?  What do I need to be open to right now?  Where is the nugget of truth in this situation??

If you know it’s time and you’re ready to take your personal and business life to the next level, join our Breakthrough To Your Fun And Fabulous Life Program.  We cover everything from how to skyrocket your confidence to tools needed to take back your time and create the life you want.  Check out the link for more information.  I’d love to have you in the group!

I’d also love to hear your thoughts on this subject of pain.  What’s your positive perspective?

With Love,
