In the past, I felt so spread thin that my chest would tighten from anxiety and self induced stress.  My drive and big vision, coupled with a belief that I was much more valuable while I was “busy” caused me to literally not be able to breathe properly.  I had become handcuffed to my work.

I was shocked! 



You mean, the person who’s helping other people decrease stress, regain vibrant health and increase wealth and impact is struggling to keep herself together?! 

Yep.  That’s me. 

Sometimes still if I’m not careful I will work myself into an overwhelmed, stressed out state, letting my thoughts dwell on what could go wrong and what I should be afraid of.  

I’ve gotten so much better at using my coaching tools and practices to eliminate overwhelm and increase confidence, but I’m not perfect.  Here are the steps I use to get free from the “golden handcuffs.”

Notice the Patterns (Here are some of mine) 

* Detaching from my husband and kids.  

* Allowing my drive and passion for my clients transformation to overtake my time so much so that I stop exercising, spending time in nature and isolating myself from family and friends.

* Sleeping in instead of making time to connect to my God and create a solid, powerful foundation for my day

* Not being fully engaged with a client but rather thinking about how badly I want to go on a bike ride and laugh with my husband (ie. Not being 100% present) 

Ask Why and Redirect 

When I spot the pattern I can redirect my thoughts and actions to remember how capable, empowered and supported I really am.  Then I can ask myself why I’m playing small, letting fear hold me back, taking on too much or not being present with clients or family. 

There is always a solution.  I wanted you to know that if you have a hard time detaching from work, I get it.  I learned an important lesson to not tie my self worth to my title or work.   

How about you?  Do you want to learn how to face challenges, screw up and put learning above looking good? 

Want to squash fear and create a fulfilling life with me as your coach?  

 I’d like to help you do things outside the norm, be fully seen, because that’s where the magic of life opens up.  If you’re ready to step purposefully into a life of greater impact, I’ve created an extraordinary community for you at my retreat in Tofino, April 26-28th.  The retreat is called “Slow Down:  The Secret To Achieving More And Increasing Your Happiness.” 

We will meet on Friday evening to connect over dinner in Tofino.  Tofino is known for its stunning scenery and lush wilderness. You’ll have ample time to roam the beaches and let the stunning views of sand, sky and forest take over your senses.  We will step back from working IN our business or organization and take time to look at the big picture of what’s possible. 

The retreat is a hub of successful, vision driven women (men are more than welcome) – with me as your coach for 2 1/2 days. 

Don’t be the “Lone Leader”

You’ve already achieved a great deal in your life and work.  Learning from others experiences and having a coach by your side will catapult you into greater levels of self awareness and clarity on your path. 

I chose Tofino as it is a remote location on our continent’s edge.  It’s the perfect place to create a clear plan, strategy and mindset to simplify and focus in on what really matters in your business (and life).

When it’s time to get down to business you’ll find being surrounded by the wilderness sparks creativity, fresh perspectives and new insights through conversation with the group.  It’s going to be a transformational weekend.

If you’d like to join me at the Retreat in April, there are just 3 spots left. Hit reply to this message and put Retreat in the subject line… Tell me a bit about you if we haven’t met and we’ll begin a conversation. Love. Amy