It’s easy to feel lost in your business when so many changes are happening in our communities and world wide.   These tips below will help you make progress with more ease, no matter what business you’re in.  Without progress we can feel directionless and lost.  Let’s not go there.

If you’re feeling lost and directionless, address the obstacles below and take action on one of the tips to create momentum and sales.

Common obstacles that stunt business progress

No Plan/Routine.  Studies have shown that for every 10 minutes you spend planning your day, week or year, you save 1 hour.   Needless to say, when you make time to plan you’ll feel prepared, confident and equipped with more focus = feeling accomplished.

Limited Mindset.  What you believe can make it difficult to get into action and stay in action.  Do you believe in yourself?  Will you be able to  achievement your goals?  Will you be able to handle the success or “failure” when it comes?  The answers to these questions determines the speed at which you’re moving forward right now.

Lack of Boundaries with family and time.  Without boundaries you won’t communicate your feelings and needs with your family.  Without boundaries you won’t take responsibility for how you spend your time.  You will continue to feel guilty for things you shouldn’t and it will become difficult to get necessary work done.

Follow these tips to gain a sense of peace and increase cash flow:

  1. Decide what you are willing to do to support your family.  This may take grit and belief right now.  Now is not a time for pride but rather humility.  Could you invest your money while the rates are low?  Will you downsize your company to reduce any financial strain you may be experiencing?
  2. Ask yourself, “How can I be a part of the solution when this is over?”  What can you take action on now so your business can hire back more people when the pandemic lifts?
  3. Remind yourself of your purpose.  What solutions does your business, company or personal passion provide?  Why are you in this field of work?  Get re-aquainted with your purpose to tap into the grit and determination you need to see through the fog right now.
  4. Improve your mindset.  What would you need to believe to feel lost right now?  What would you need to be believing that would cause you to stand still instead of taking necessary action?  Your limiting thoughts might sound like, “I can’t ___________(specific action) unless I know ________.”  Don’t be fooled.  You will never know your entire future, if your decision is the best one, if it will be successful.  What I do know is that the clients I work with find more clarity when they are IN ACTION.  Creative ideas come to those who are committed to success.
  5. Create a new definition of success.  If the only way to determine if you’re successful and progressing is when you experience instant results or receive a payment.  Success can only be defined by you.  Focus on actions you can track to define your level of progress.  Each time you learn something new, you’re successful.  Each time you try something new, you’re successful.  Each time you overcome an obstacle, you’re successful.  Each time you reach a mielstone on your path, you’re successful.  Get the drift?
  6. Use incentives.  Reward and celebrate actions taken.  People respond well to “treats.”  Studies show that if we reward ourselves for our behavior, habits and actions, we’re more likely to practice them again and again until the desired result shows up.  Acknowledge yourself by making a special dinner, having a long conversation with a friend in Australia, taking a bath, reading a book, eating a piece of chocolate.  Whatever suits your fancy.
  7. Create a plan with milestones.  Post it somewhere you’ll see it often.  Remember, we aren’t in control of when we will achieve our goals.  Being flexible will help you pivot and make changes to your plan when needed.
  8. Ask for help.  What actions do you need to take in business that drain you of energy?  Spending time on these things will slow down your growth and decrease your happiness.
  9. Get involved in a group.  I’m involved in two groups right now.  One is more personal for writers, coaches and speakers, the other for business support.  I am challenged to grow in these groups.  I also level up to the behaviors and habits I see other members demonstrate.  They help me stick to my goals when I don’t feel like it.  They help me get creative and find solutions to challenges.
  10. Get energized.  Take care of your physical, spiritual, emotional and relational health.  One of my clients is dealing with a lot of financial strain right now.  She’s laying off employees due to the Covid situation.  She’s on the phone and answering emails to make sure her teams feel as safe and cared for as possible.  She’s looking out for her kids and grandkids, missing them dearly while she practices social isolation.  Needless to say, she hasn’t been making time to exercise or rest as much as she’d like to.  That was her biggest insight from our last call.  The more energized and confident she is, the more effectively and powerfully she can lead.

You’ll make more progress and feel more accomplished when you’re in action.  So, what is one step you’ll take?

With Love,


PS:  Are you a physician who wants to feel calm, positive and accomplished even when your routine is up in the air? Join us Wednesdays for a free call to get support, connection and actionable tools. Email me for call details and registration link.

Are you a business owner who is feeling overwhelmed and wants to keep your head above water, feel focused, accomplished and energized for your team? Join us for the 2020 Mastermind to increase peace of mind and sales. Your investment is $247 monthly if you join in April or May (Usually $497). Then your price never increases for as long as you stay in the group.