Help!  Mayday!  SOS!

By Amy Englemark

What if when you needed help you could shout, “Help!  Mayday!  SOS!” and not care what others might think?

One of my clients told me she feels ok asking for help if she needs to focus on her business or if she needs to be out of town (for work).  When it comes to asking for help so she can clean her house or exercise she feels uncomfortable and doesn’t ask.

Many women don’t reach out and ask for help enough.  They hold off and hold off and hold off until they’re screaming, “Mayday!” because their ship is about to sink.

Fear of being judged can hold you back from seeking help.  This client of mine feared others would think she was uncapable, less of a person, weak.  You must ask yourself this question, what’s more important to me – my sanity and happiness or what others might think of me?

You are not an island all to yourself!  You are smart and competent and capable, but that doesn’t mean that despairing in a corner all by yourself is a noble thing to do. You are important.  Your needs are important.

One way to get the help you need, whether it be with your children, your computer or learning how to free up some time is to ask others how they do it.  Instead of asking someone to do something for you (which is sometimes necessary), ask them how they get their same needs met.  If you learn how, you will be better equipped to deal with the same issue in the future.

If you’re interested in learning about how our Inner Strength members work through issues like this and start seeing breakthroughs in their personal lives, find out more about our upcoming Group Coaching Program here!

I’d love to see you in the circle!!

xo Amy