Showing up as your authentic self, through action and word, can feel scary.  What will people think of you?  Will they like you?  Will they judge you?  In this short training I filmed 5 years ago, I cover How To Your Overcome Your Fear Of Vulnerability.  Grab your pen and paper and listen in so you can take control of fear and feel confident instead of it controlling you.  Click the picture below!

How To Overcome Your Fear Of Vulnerability


After watching, would you shoot me a quick email and let me know what insight you took away from the video?  Imagine what your relationships with your colleagues, staff and family could look like if you weren’t afraid of being yourself and you were able to make decisions that made you happy for once!

With Love,


PS:  If you are someone who loves my free training and that’s enough for you, great!  If you want my personal support to be your authentic self – more brave in action and word – at home and at work, let’s talk!  Email me and tell me a bit about yourself.  If we’re a good fit, I’ll offer you 20 minutes of my time.  I’ll give you all I’ve got and leave you with an action to help you solve your most pressing challenge.  My gift to you.