It’s easy to believe that we can’t make time for our dreams.  I’m no different from you.  I need to fight and push to make time for what’s truly important to me.  Let’s look at a few tips to help us all make time for our dreams and goals.

Tune into your intuition.  That still small voice doesn’t push it’s way into our minds.  It’s very considerate and therefore often overlooked.  That voice will speak to you and remind you of what really matters.  It’s time to ignore what seems urgent and pay attenion to what will make a lasting impact in our lives and the lives of others.

Choose to believe in the importance of your dreams.  What makes them worth having?  When you are living your dream, will you feel happier, more fulfilled, inspired or on fire?  Will pursuing your dreams add more value and depth to your relationship or family?  When you’re living your dreams, how will you be making a bigger impact in others lives?

Team up with friends or an accountability partner.  Challenge one another to take consistent action towards each of your dreams.  Check in with each other and be accountable.

Schedule.  Schedule.  Schedule your time.  The more you take control of your schedule the more time you’ll have to pursue your dreams.  You might be surprised how much you can accomplish in 15 minutes!

Your dreams are worth the effort.  Your pursuit of your dreams and goals will have a positive impact on complete strangers, your coworkers, kids, spouse, etc.  Don’t miss the opportunity that’s just around the corner!!  Who knows what you might miss?  Take the time and take a risk towards your dreams.

Keep Shining!!
