Dark times, disappointments and dreams unrealized can severely test your hope.  You may have been waiting for a long time for a dream to become reality.  You may have been disappointed because you’ve had a goal for years that hasn’t been realized.  Maybe you’re doing your best to stay motivated when all the signs seem to be telling you to give up.

Your heart may feel a bit sick. 

Think about this for a minute…

Does a fire need stoking and tending to keep burning hot?  Of course. and hope is the same.  Action is required to fan hope and expectation back into flame.  You’re going to need to take back the reigns of your mind and emotions. No one else will do it for you.

It’s tempting to believe lies about yourself or the future when your hope has been tested.  You didn’t get the job or promotion, so that means “I don’t have what it takes and should settle for work that drains me.”  The time invested in supporting your team doesn’t seem to be paying off, which you translate into “I’m a lousy leader.”  Your romantic relationships all seem to end the same way, “I’m not desirable” or “My standards are too high.”

Hope is renewed when you move your gaze from the problem to the solution.  Sometimes the problem becomes a gift.

The Rough Patch

This past year, there was a patch of time that was quite tough.  I didn’t understand the unforeseen changes that were happening in my life.  New business plans seemed to be crumbling before my eyes.  One of my dreams felt like it was being stripped from me.  

Self doubt and disappointment towards God welled up inside me.  My feelings were hurt.  How could God let this happen to me?  Would I still be able to trust my ability to sense God’s guidance?  Could I trust in the future when I felt led to act?

As a people group we proudly believe we can foresee the future and know what’s best for us.  How blind we sometimes are! 

My conviction is that everything we go through can and will be used for our good.  It will be used to help us and others in a big way.  

I’m keenly aware that I don’t know everything.  I don’t always know what’s best for me.  Maybe certain dreams coming true would not lead me towards the best plan for my life.  Maybe the timing of the dream is off.  Maybe it will be fulfilled when I’m 80.

I’m always learning and growing but I don’t have it all together.  My hope is renewed when I remind myself that my life is in Bigger hands.

Some of you reading this may not believe in God.  Some of you might believe in Something greater, but not a person.  Some of you have your own unique faith.  I hope you can take from my life something to strengthen and deepen your own personal faith.

Don’t give up hope my friend.  That would be giving up and you’re not a quitter.  Keep your gaze on everything beautiful, life giving and emboldening.  This is one of the most courageous things you can do when hope has been knocked.  Take action, despite fear of failure, fear of loneliness, fear of disappointment, fear of work.  There’s life inside you and action revives life.  

Check out these steps to help you break out of despair and into abundant, optimistic, hope-filled thinking again.  Let’s get to work! 

Physical Tool:

Rub shoulders with hopeful people.  What they’ve got is contagious and you want it.  They will help you raise your mindset and behavior to match theirs.

Hope increases when action increases.  Get into action in the smallest way possible.   When the action becomes natural, stretch it to be just a bit more challenging to keep you engaged.  Through action you prove to yourself that you’re not stuck.  You have the power to create change.

Read success stories of people who have faced similar situations or worse.  Find out what keys were instrumental to their breakthroughs.

Mental/Spiritual Tool:

Speak powerful words over yourself and your situation.  Proclaim and declare in writing what you are committed to and what actions you’re willing to take.  Research shows that negative words decrease self-esteem which leads to a whole slew of problems.  You’ve likely experienced the adverse effects of being spoken down to or the energizing effect of being praised or loved through the spoken word.  Use your words to encourage and build yourself up. You have control over your thoughts and what comes out of your mouth.  If you practice this skill, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how it improves your mental and emotional state, relationships and professional success.  Watch out world!

With Love,


PS:  If you’d like my support, here are some options…

If you want to improve your profit, health and happiness as a business owner or leader, the 2020 Mastermind starts TOMORROW…at 145pm.  There are a few spaces available.  The first step and to get your questions answered is to Apply Here 

If you want to share dinner together, then watch me speak LIVE, check this out.  You’ll learn how to feel superbly confident setting clear boundaries that honor your needs.  Pay attention to the cutoff date for tickets!

If you want to get my undivided attention in Tofino for 3 days in June, find the juicy details here.  There’s a reason last year’s retreat was so well attended!