Are Your Expectations Setting You Up For Disappointment?

There’s nothing wrong with aspiring towards greatness – landing a fun, high paying job or client, getting hitched, creating time for your health and your wealth.   Having high expectations stretch us and help us achieve great goals.   You may not be where you are today without having held yourself to high standards.

The down side to unrealisticly high expectations is that they cause a lot of frustration due to unmet goals!   To ease this stress, frustration and impending disappointment, we need to come to terms with the fact that we have limits to our capabilities.   We have limits and that’s ok.   Well, to be truthful, it doesn’t feel ok to admit it!

“There’s a crack in everything.   That’s how the light gets in.”   Leonard Cohen

Sometime in the future I may become a super hero, but for now, I’m learning to be content even though I can’t do everything I want to accomplish in a day and take care of a house and two growing boys!  Have you taken on too much work?  Said yes to too many responsibilities?  Feeling overwhelmed, frustrated with how you’re not measuring up and therefore disappointed?

When you fight against the fact that you have limits, life becomes a struggle. 

When you surrender, delegate and trust – magically, jobs get done and life flows more smoothly. 

Notice that when we have unrealistic expectations we are acting in rigid ways.  In short, life needs to turn out ‘just so’ or we won’t be happy.  Follow the steps below to start treating yourself with more kindness and living up to more of your expectations.

Step #1 To Create Realistic Expectations and Feel Like A Success

Identify one or two unrealistic expectations you have.  For example, “I must always know what to say in a conversation (otherwise I’m incompetent and dumb).  I need to make locally sourced, organic dinners from scratch every night (and work full time and raise a family).  There must never be a spelling mistake in any of my written work (if someone finds one, I’m doomed).  I can do four weeks of work in two, no problem!”

Step #2 To Create Realistic Expectations and Feel Like A Success

Brainstorm an acceptable, more realistic expectation that’s attainable and less stressful.  To lower your stress and take the pressure off, go here.  This process increases self compassion and inevitably builds your confidence as you meet more of your daily goals.

Here’s what I’d love for you to do…Join in the conversation below.   That’s where the real learning begins!   Let me know what you’re taking away from this topic!  Find more free coaching on over on my Facebook page!

Amy Englemark teaches strategies to Boost Health, Wealth and Free Time to Entrepreneurs, Community and Business Leaders.  Get Amy’s 3 Step System to Boost your Time and Productivity at: . For Proven Tools to zap stress, free up your time and boost your income, Like Amy Englemark Coaching on Facebook and Follow her on LinkedIn at: Amy Englemark.