
8 Surefire Ways To Change Your Energy

I’ve become more aware of how foods and drinks affect how energetic I feel.  I’ve always thought of myself as the firecracker, lightbulb type who has lots of energy. That was until 2 years ago when I tried some new superfoods and realized I could feel MORE energetic and MORE focused than I had felt before. What an eye-opener!!

This isn’t to say that what you eat or drink is the only thing that can suck your energy stores dry. Here is a list of a few things that will really deplete you of the energy you need to live a purposeful, fulfilling life:


Hang out with people who are always taking from you and watch your energy fizzle! Spend time with people who think of others as well as themselves and your love stores will continually be replenished.


Whole foods and foods that are created to be absorbed quickly will nourish you on a cellular level. These types of foods will support you to function optimally so you can focus, make decisions with ease and feel healthy from the inside out. Rather than reaching for another dehydrating coffee when you need an energy boost, try green tea, greens powder in water or a natural energy drink.


Avoiding what you fear or dislike only keeps you stuck in the land of spinning wheels! You will be constantly stripped of the uplifting energy you could be experiencing when you choose to put off your true priorities. Get clear on what’s most important to you today. Put one of those actions at the top of your list. Do it and watch how fantastic it makes you feel!

 Unhealthy boundaries

Do you give away your time or talents because you feel you should or have to? Well you never have to. No one’s telling you that you should. Well, some people actually WILL tell you that! It’s a load of crap. And it’s stinky! That crap smells like a lie to me! You never have to do anything you don’t want to. Why not try making decisions that make you happy instead of trying to please others all the time? That kind of living will put a smile on YOUR face and leave you feeling good about yourself.


Choosing to harbour resentment, blame or anger towards another will only keep you in bondage. Rarely does your lack of forgiveness affect the one you have an issue with. What ends up happening is that your thoughts become a negative rats nest of rumination and accusation. You not only lose precious energy in this process but it typically distances you from the ones you care about.


I don’t have an issue with aiming for great quality in your work but when it starts to eat at your sleep, at your relationships or at your mental state, then you know you need to seek help!

 Lack of Movement

For blood to flow, for your mind to get a break, for your feel good energy to be released, you need to move. Without ample exercise you’re going to notice you’re not feeling as sharp, sexy or on your game. Move more and you will notice a big shift in your confidence and ability to relax.


Stress is a big energy sucker. Like a leech, it will suck as much blood from you as you allow it.

You have control over your thoughts and emotions! You may be saying, “I don’t know how to exert that control over my mind.” You may be so programmed to let stress control you that you need to re-learn how to stop it and take back control. Take every thought captive!

Becoming aware of your stress triggers is the first step towards gaining back control. If you don’t know what triggers you to feel stressed, you can’t create a plan to address the stress before you lose your cool.

Do your children, partner or co-workers drive you mental sometimes? What do they do? Does it drive you crazy if a situation isn’t completely under your control? Identify the who, what, when and where to understand more about what sets you off.

As a child I used to attend Alcoholics Anonymous with my Dad. I really enjoyed one aspect of the meetings which was the Serenity Prayer.

“God, grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can

And wisdom to know the difference.”

By focusing on what control you do have in your situation or relationship you can start to feel more secure and confident. You can’t change other people but you sure can change yourself. We’ve been given incredible bodies, minds and emotions to tend to, to grow. We can choose how we want to respond and what we will allow in our hearts.

Daily Action Step

Life will throw you curve balls but you can decide how you want to respond. As you work on yourself you’ll notice that you’ll start feeling more energetic and happy. As you choose to grow personally, you will become an example of health to those around you! No joke!

So, what do you have control over right now? What small step will you take today towards regaining your energy?

If you’re ready to regain your energy, kickstart your health and overcome stress in your life, I’m running the Breakthrough To Your Fun and Fabulous Life group coaching program.  If you’re ready to commit and want accountability and support to make some pretty fantastic changes, read more about the program HERE.  Scroll to the bottom of the page to get all the goodies!!

With Love, Amy