Why You Should Make More Mistakes

Perfectionism kills success.  Maybe you’ve hurt someone’s feelings in the past and now you don’t trust yourself anymore.  Maybe you didn’t produce Michelangelo level  work and now it’s taking you forever to attempt similar work because you didn’t measure up to your overly high standards.

Why is it so uncomfortable when you make a mistake?  Making mistakes hurts because we tell ourselves stories about what will happen if and when we do.  Then we start to believe those stories and that’s where it gets messy.

Mistakes move you forward.  You might be thinking, “I’d rather look perfect, feel perfect and be perceived as perfect so I can accept myself and be loved by others.”  Only perfect will do.

Mistakes help you realize your dreams more quickly.  “I do want to make more money, have better health, feel happier, but I’d rather take my time so I can do things perfectly the first time round.”

I could keep explaining the benefits of making mistakes but if fear is holding you back, the benefits will go straight over your head.  Let’s address the common fears around making mistakes so you can start living the life you’d really like to be living.

If I make a mistake I’m afraid of…

Damaging or losing a relationship

Appearing stupid, unknowledgeable, weak

The mistake exposing the “real” me, the fraud

There are many effective, practical strategies to overcoming the fear of making mistakes.  Let’s look at two.

Examine the evidence

Perfectionist assumptions often lack evidence.  This is because fear always makes you think of the worst case and I mean worst case scenario.  Let’s give fear a good kick in the face today, shall we?  What evidence do you have that someone will ditch you if you tell them your real feelings?  What evidence do you have that you will you lose a sale if you set boundaries in your business?  And is a lost sale to a demanding, unthankful customer really a loss?  Will people really talk badly of you if you’re not always available to fight their fires?

If one of these scenarios has happened in the past, that’s not a guarantee it will continue to repeat itself.  You can change and your life can change.  Anything is possible.

Test your thoughts to see if they’re facts

Practice what you fear by taking small steps with healthy people.  See if what you’re thinking is actual fact.  See what happens when you do the opposite of what your brain is telling you.  What shows up?

Please share with me what you discover.  I’d love to celebrate your braveness!

For more strategies to Boost Wealth, Health and Happiness visit www.amyenglemark.com.  To contact Amy directly email coacha@amyenglemark.com.