10 Books That Will Help You Face Your Fear And Accomplish Your Goals

I love reading but I stopped when our boys were young.  It took a close friend to reignite my belief that I “had the time” to start reading again.  Ever since then I have been devouring one delicious book at a time…actually I usually have 2-3 books on the go at a time!

These 10 books have all helped me face some fear or another and each has helped me move 1 or 10 steps closer to goals I’ve set for myself.  My desire is that you would scan through this list and choose one or more to order right away to access the gold nuggets inside.   Your clients, family and self will thank you!

From light-weight and easy reading to meaty and more textbook style, here goes!

Show Your Work – By Austin Kleon – Teaches you how to be open, honest and brave about sharing the work you do with others.  This book shows you how to let yourself REALLY been seen, messy bits and all.  Full of fun pictures and quotes too!

Everything I Know At The Top I Learned At The Bottom – By Dexter Yager and Ron Ball – This book is filled with pearls of wisdom from millionaire and entrepreneur Yager who shares about the lessons he learned early on that shaped his success in the business world.  Includes how to keep your momentum and become a big league thinker.  I loved it.

Love Does – By Bob Goff – This book was one I read last winter in Kauai.  It pushed and pulled at my heart strings and led me to pray very big, courageous prayers.  It’s all about discovering a secretly incredible life in an ordinary world.  Goff is a lawyer, professor and founder of Restore International, a non- profit fighting injustices committed against children in Uganda and India.  This book is light, fun and just might inspire you to be secretly incredible too.  Are you salivating?

The Five Disfunctions Of A Team – By Patrick Lencioni – My client recommended this author to me.  He is a fabulous writer.  This specific book is a leadership fable that anyone in a leadership role should read.  It’s all about what makes teams work effectively and how we make progress TOGETHER, not alone.  It’s an easy read because of his fabulous storytelling.  I would recommend all of Lencioni’s books.

Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway – By Susan Jeffers – An oldie and a SUPER goodie!  Read this one while in Tofino for my wedding anniversary and had to be careful I didn’t spend too much time with my book instead of my husband!!  Not to worry, my husband is much more enticing than any book ever will be.  Enough about him…This book has helped my clients and myself get unstuck and conquer many fears.

Mindset – By Carol Dweck – Love it.  This book will show you how to fulfill your potential by changing the way you think AND it works!  This book will help you in any profession.  I have teacher friends who use it in classrooms and a client who is a family doctor who read it, applied it and noticed massive improvements in her personal life and marriage.

Daring Greatly – By Brene Brown – How the courage to be vulnerable (something most of us shy away from) transforms the way we live, love, parent and lead.  Brene Brown and her work are fabulous.  She is so smart, open and humble which is why I found her books and style of teaching so easy to digest.  In her words she “dispels the cultural myth that vulnerability is weakness and argues that is is, in truth, our most accuarate measure of courage.

Awaken The Giant Within – By Anthony Robbins – Now we’re in the meaty section of my list of books.  This book is quite thick but an incredible resevoire of life changing strategies that when applied to your personal and business life will change the way you operate and improve your results!

Thou Shall Prosper – Rabbi Daniel Lapin – I found this book quite interesting as I’d never read anything by a Rabbi before.  His “ten commandments for making money” were founded in the jewish culture and habits.  VERY interesting and helpful.

Thoughts and Feelings – By McKay, Davis And Fanning – This is more of a therapy focused book intended to help you take control of your moods and your life.  I love it.  It’s so helpful, practical and to the point.  There are many excercises and techniques included to help you create real and lasting change in your life.

What books have helped YOU face your fear and accomplish your goals?  I’d love to read about them in the comments below.

Amy Englemark teaches strategies to Boost Wealth, Health and Happiness to Executives, Business Leaders and Owners.  Get Amy’s 3 Step System to Boost your Free Time and Productivity at: www.amyenglemark.com .